Jupiter, clockwork Pilot Cruiser boat (Sutcliffe Pressings)

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Jupiter, clockwork Pilot Cruiser boat (Sutcliffe Pressings)

Jupiter Pilot Cruiser, red and white, clockwork, Sutcliffe (SuttCat 1973).jpg (i)
BTMM map 035.gif
Arch Four , Area 35
Toy and Model Boats (display)
Shelf  4

A clockwork tinplate model Pilot Cruiser, "Jupiter", with winding key, made by Sutcliffe Pressings Ltd, England, between 1963 and 1981.

"Jupiter" Pilot Cruiser (Sutcliffe Pressings Ltd.)


This model Pilot boat has a red hull and white superstructure, with a gold rim around the join. Its detailing includes a blue forward-aimed speaker horn above the cab, two blue ventilator tubes, tethered black rubber tyres, prominent tying-off points on the port side, two white forward rails to allow someone to go aft and get aboard another ship, and a forward platted rope shock-absorber tied onto the prow.

There is a vertical white-on-black high-visibility "PILOT" sign above the rear cabin area, and the name "Jupiter" is painted on the starboard side of the hull.

rear detail showing pressed "SUTCLIFFE" maker's mark