The Brighton Toy and Model Index:Privacy policy
Great care should be taken when uploading any information to the Wiki that relates to people (especially living people).
Anonymous and private donors and lendees
Although we'd obviously like to upload as much background information on the exhibits as possible, and it's great to know who built a given model, some items may be on loan from owners or collections who don't want to be publicly identified for legitimate reasons that aren't really our business. Sometimes this is may be a condition of the loan. If you're a BTMM volunteer researching exhibits, any information that you find on individual donors or external exhibit owners should NOT be put online without the Manager's or Director's clear assurance that the particular individual concerned is happy for their name to be made publicly available. In some cases, of course, the donor will be very happy to be credited, but this should NOT be assumed by default.
Quite apart from anything else, there are data protection issues associated with putting people's identifying information onto a public database, and the Museum needs to take its legal responsibilities seriously.
Museum Staff, helpers, volunteers etc.
The same principle applies to the names of anyone else associated with the Museum. In some cases the individuals will be very happy to be publicly associated with the Museum, this should not be assumed - control of one's online identity is a personal matter, and again, there are data protection rules that the Museum needs to abide by.