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- ...Construction_Sets,_Märklin_Metallbaukasten_601_(MarklinCat_1936).jpg|Marbi set 601 and 601A|380}} [[Märklin]]'s '''MARBI Construction Sets''' appeared in around 1933 as a way of producing cheap, [[aluminium]],4 members (0 subcategories, 4 files) - 04:36, 27 March 2020
- ...Aeroplane_Construction_Sets,_Märklin_(MarklinCat_1936).jpg|1936: Aeroplane Construction Sets|380}} ...tion Set, Märklin 1151 (MarklinCat 1936).jpg|1936: Contents of the smaller set, Märklin 1151|280}}10 members (0 subcategories, 9 files) - 16:33, 23 May 2024
- ...a 1910s/1920s '''"[[Anchor Engineer]]" ("Anker Ingeniur")''' construction set. The model is a frame built using Anchor's short-lived metal construction set, based very loosely on an example in the Anchor literature. While the UK Ba1 KB (178 words) - 16:05, 5 June 2021
- {{#SEO: |title=Märklin Car Construction Sets (1930s)}} ...ar_Construction_Set,_Märklin_1110B_(MarklinCat_1936).jpg|Electric Lighting Set 1110 B|180}}20 members (1 subcategory, 18 files) - 10:01, 7 July 2022
- {{#seo: |title=Vogue Steel Construction Sets / Vogue Playthings Ltd. (1950s-1960s)}} ...e_and_Windmill_models,_Vogue_No1_Set_(VgBktNo1).jpg|Monoplane and Windmill models|380}}18 members (1 subcategory, 16 files) - 12:23, 8 April 2017
- ...t,_Märklin_1152_(MarklinCat_1936).jpg|1936: Parts for the original Märklin set No.1152|280}} ...''', registration number '''D-ALBA''', originally issued as a construction set, as model number '''1152''' (reissue model number '''1980''').3 KB (359 words) - 10:09, 28 March 2017
- ...s_built_with_Betta_Bilda_Engineer_(BettaBilda_1968).jpg|'''1968:''' Models built with BettaBilda Engineer|380}} '''[[Betta Bilda]] Engineer''' was a strip-based construction set system, that looked slightly similar to Lego's wooden [[Bilofix]] system.30 members (0 subcategories, 26 files) - 17:30, 19 November 2022
- ...''' brand (1908?-) seems to have predated the rash of other American metal construction sets (of varying levels of originality) that appeared from about 1913 onwar ...uction element disappeared, and "Structo" became a brand of heavy-duty pre-built steel toy cars.12 members (1 subcategory, 11 files) - 17:53, 5 April 2018
- ...he_Hornby_Clockwork_Train,_open_box.jpg|"The Hornby Clockwork Train, boxed set|380}} A historically-important early locomotive and tender for '''The Hornby Train Set''' (1920), reckoned to be the first "proper" train that Hornby ever produce5 KB (716 words) - 15:58, 19 December 2024
- A very rare set of the special parts included in '''[[Meccano]] Outfit 000'''. ...ich could still make recogisable models) was achieved by supplementing the set's metal pieces with a sheet of unique printed pre-punched coloured card par5 KB (850 words) - 11:46, 22 May 2019
- ...(MM_1958-10).jpg|Dinky Builder advert, 1958: "The house that Jack and Jill built"|380}} '''Dinky Builder''' was Meccano Ltd.'s attempt to produce a different type of construction toy to Meccano, that wouldn't need nuts or bolts or spanners.11 members (0 subcategories, 9 files) - 11:26, 17 June 2022
- In addition to the models that could be built with the standard sets, Primus also produced the '''Primus Motor Chassis Ou ...etween Primus and [[Meccano]], it's worth noting that Primus Motor Chassis set was definitely available in the early 1920s, while its Meccano counterpart,9 members (0 subcategories, 9 files) - 17:25, 13 December 2019
- ...els with white toy metal-tipped hoses that appear to have a bootlace-style construction, a black metal undercarriage and chunky black plastic wheels with (white?) ...ed in 1974, with publicity materials showing the first five of six initial models.3 KB (403 words) - 15:12, 16 December 2021
- ...Multikit_(DinkyCat12_1976).jpg|1976: New Motorised Multikit Crane-building Set|380}} {{Box|Motorising_Meccano_Multikits_(MCMBM_1975).jpg|Meccano Multikit models retrofitted with electric and clockwork motors|380}}41 members (0 subcategories, 37 files) - 17:25, 16 December 2021
- ...Meccano display cabinet. sme other Meccano exhibits, such as shop display models, are displayed outside the cabinet.}} ...ccano case is another cabinet of [[Metal Construction Sets (display)|metal construction sets]] from other manufacturers.74 members (2 subcategories, 16 files) - 14:09, 16 December 2021
- '''A large size Sports Model.''' Overall dimensions when built up :- 13 3/4 × 5 1/4 × 4 1/2 Wonderful models of the World's most famous Railway Engines.6 KB (834 words) - 19:45, 29 May 2015
- {{#SEO: |title=Airfix Trackside Series plastic construction kits, for 00-gauge model railways (1956-)}} ...ix_00_gauge_Construction_Kits_(HobbiesCat_1959).jpg|1959: "Airfix 00 gauge Construction Kits", advert with lineart of some of the buildings|380}}17 members (0 subcategories, 16 files) - 09:59, 7 July 2022
- {{#seo: |title=Primus Engineering railway models}} ...x of wood and metal was ''particularly'' effective was the construction of models of wooden-sided wagons and railway carriages, where the wooden Primus panel40 members (0 subcategories, 35 files) - 16:25, 19 December 2019
-]] magazine, designed to promote the [[Trix construction sets|Trix metal construction system]] ... presumably in the hope of filling part of the gap between Trix ...plement featured special offers, competitions, and features on Trix models built by readers.2 KB (393 words) - 12:50, 25 February 2017
- '''Philiform''' was a plastic construction set system sold by Phillips from ~1969 to 1972. ...s rather than the tops (if the studs are at the top), so structures can be built vertically, with horizontal axles for wheels and driveshafts. additionally,2 KB (276 words) - 03:32, 27 March 2020