Flamingo (Britains Zoo 947)

From The Brighton Toy and Model Index
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Flamingo (Britains Zoo 947)

Flamingo, Britains Zoo No947 (BritCat 1940).jpg Flamingo (i)
BTMM map 044.gif

Arch Three , Area 44
The Zoo (display)

A painted hollowcast lead Flamingo, from the Britains Zoo range, catalogue number 947.

Giulia ...
" This model of flamingo has got long slim orange legs. Its plumages are white and orange. It has got a small beak. Its base is circular and green. One of its legs is lightly raised. It has got a long flexible neck. "
Britains Zoo 947, Flamingo

1940 catalogue description

" There are about six species of Flamingos, all of which inhabit the warmer regions of the earth. They are characterised by the peculiar shaped beak. "