Category:2025 - new exhibits and infrastructure

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2024 Exhibits and upgrades 2026

Goodbye to the Hornby Wall

The contents of the top two cabinets in Arch Four, which were previously displaying a guest collection of Hornby Series and Hornby Dublo, have now gone back to their owner.

We are grateful to the owner that we were allowed to showcase this incredible collection for over ten years.

Two new temporary displays:

The two half-wall cabinets now need to be redesigned and rebuilt for easier access. Meanwhile, we have used them to house a couple of new temporary displays:

  • The Adventures of Paddington (cabinet 37) was installed in January, and is based on a Paddington Bear collection that was recently donated to us.
  • Lehmann Gross Bahn (LGB) (cabinet 38) was installed in February, and is a selection of the larger-scale Lehmann garden railway locos and rolling stock, along with a Lehmann cable-car set.

We don't know yet how long these two temporary displays will stay on show: It depends on how long it takes us to finalise our plans for what will replace them, along with the rebuilding of the cabinets.


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