Father marionette (Pelham Puppets Junior JC4)

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Father marionette (Pelham Puppets Junior JC4)

BTMM map 054.gif

Arch Two , Area 54
Pelham Puppets Misc. (display)

Puppet Corner

A JC4 "Father" Pelham Puppets "Junior Range" marionette. Blue long trousers, red-and-white checkered shirt, red hat.


Junior Range 'Father' Pelham puppet with original box.

Skin colour ball head painted features (brown, open white smiling mouth etc) black short acrylic fur type hair, red felt hat. Wearing red & white cotton check shirt, short sleeved, with pointed collar and black cotton tape neck tie. Pink moulded 'glove' type hands, black moulded domed feet. T shaped wooden control. Body construction, wooden torso, limbs threaded on cord. Arms, pink plastic tube sections, legs pink plastic tube sections.

Box - yellow card with red text Pelham puppets Junior Range design. Cellophane front window. Instructions illustration and text on back. Label on end of box 'JC4 Father'. Price tag 'Scallywags Ashford £4.45'.