Freight 2-8-0 locomotive 48158 (Hornby Dublo LT25 3225)

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Freight 2-8-0 locomotive 48158 (Hornby Dublo LT25 3225)

Freight 8F 2-8-0 loco BR 48109, Hornby Dublo 2225 (HDBoT 1959).jpg 1959 image of the subsequent two-rail Dublo 3225 version of the locomotive, assigned the running number 48109 (i)
File:BTMM map 1037.gif

The Hornby Wall display ended on 31st December 2024

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A semi-matt black three-rail 00-gauge Hornby-Dublo 8F 2-8-0 Freight Locomotive, running number 48158. The model was introduced in 1958 as LT25, and assigned a new catalogue number of 3225 in 1959 (with the two-rail version given the running number 48109 and catalogue number 2225).

The 8F class was a good choice for a new and "different-looking" British model in the 1950s – although the original locos had been around since the mid-1930s, Meccano Ltd. had tended to model the smaller 1930s goods locomotives, and (understandably) had tended to focus on more famous and "sexy" passenger locomotives for their more complex models with larger numbers of wheels. This meant that in the late 1950s, the somewhat neglected 8F freight loco was recognisable, but still had novelty value when it came to model trains.

1958 full-page advert, LT25 8F Freight Locomotive 48158 (three-rail), Meccano Magazine

The original locomotive

The William Stanier Class 8F (originally classified 7F) was introduced by the LMS in 1935 as a heavy-duty freight locomotive based on the successful "Black Five". 852 of these locomotives were built between 1935 and 1946, and the loco was an important "workhorse" during World War Two, with its design being used as the basis of the cheaper-and-shorter-lifespan War Department "Austerity" 2-8-0 locomotive.

