House (Lotts Bricks, 1940s)

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House (Lotts Bricks, 1940s)

BTMM map 024.gif
Arch Two , Area 24
Building Sets 2 (display)
Shelf  2

A small built Lott's Bricks House built from the 1940s Lott's sets that included red and purple window-pieces (cabinet ID key "8").

The designers of the 1940s sets decided to advance the sophistication of the Lott's contoured bricks by using two colours for the window blocks rather than just one, so the new blocks had a background colour and a window frame colour. Unfortunately, the two colours they chose were red for the background and purple for the frames, which would have been a rather brave colour scheme even for the psychedelic 1960s, let alone the 1940s!