LED Pushbutton

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Pushbutton RJS1N1LP-25M-F-R-RGB-BS-12V-68J .

Technical info

A momentary-make pushbutton, fabricated in rugged stainless steel, with an illuminated three-colour LED ring.

There are three LED terminals for R, G, B, and a common earth. Resistors are already built into the switch.


This is not conventional RGB LED , which would allow mixing of colours by variable proportions of red, greed and blue ... instead, only one LED type lights at a time. If only the blue terminal is powered, the LED ring is blue, if the green terminal is powered, blue is disabled and the ring instead glows green, if the red terminal is powered, the other two are disabled, and the ring glows red. It's not possibel to power combinations of terminals to achieve yellow, purple, greeny-blue, or white

So this is three-colour R, G, B illumination, with R, G, B also being the priority of the colours.

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