Loading Gauge (Hornby Dublo 5035)

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Loading Gauge (Hornby Dublo 5035)

Loading Gauge D1, Hornby Dublo 5035 (HDBoT 1959).jpg (i)
File:BTMM map 1037.gif

The Hornby Wall display ended on 31st December 2024

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A white Loading Gauge, Hornby Dublo 5035.

Loading gauges

The term "loading gauge" can be a little confusing when applied to locomotives: it refers to the "head-on" profile of a train, loco or piece of rolling stock, and whether it can pass safely through or under particular tunnels and bridges and other lineside equipment. The "loading" part of the name makes more sense when it's applied to open-topped goods wagons or loader wagons, where in theory, a wagon loaded with large equipment might be too high or wide to fit certain stretches of railway.

A loading gauge is a suspended curved beam that represents the maximum allowed height profile of the top of a train - if the train or car can run below it, it's allowed to run on the track.

The beam "hangs" rather than being deliberately fixed, for those situations where a car turns out NOT to be able to fit...

1958: An apparently different version of the D1 Loading Gauge, from 1958

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