Police Motorcycle Patrol (Dinky Toys 42b)

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Police Motorcycle Patrol (Dinky Toys 42b)

Police Motor Cycle Patrol, Dinky Toys 42b (MM 1936-06).jpg Dinky 42b Motor Cycle Patrol (i)
File:BTMM map 1037.gif

The Hornby Wall display ended on 31st December 2024

[[Category: ]]

A small diecast blue and green motorcycle and sidecar, Police Motorcycle Patrol, Dinky Toys 42b.

The cycle and sidecar both have policemen. The sidecar is green with the seating cockpit filled in (anti-weather tarpaulin?) and painted blue, with just the second policeman's head emerging.

This was introduced in the 1930s as part of set 42, which included the motorcycle pair, a standing policeman, a policeman with white high-visibility traffic coverall, and a police box.


The duo are displayed on a section of country road (Hornby Countryside Section H), on the far left of the Hornby Wall display.

Advertising illustration

Dinky Toys 42b, Police Motor Cycle Patrol (1936 image)

External links