Category:Named Pullman carriages

From The Brighton Toy and Model Index
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First-Class Pullman carriages in the UK were assigned names rather than numbers. These were usually female names, but there were some exceptions (like "Balmoral").

The following basic list of names and initial dates list is extracted from R. D. Lake's much more detailed listing at , and gives an impression of the number of named Pullmans produced and the character of their naming. Initial dates have been left in, as this may be helpful for dating toys and models.

If in doubt, check the original listing.

Name listing

Adrian, 1928Agatha, 1928Albatross, 1919Albert Victor, 1888Alberta, 1908Albion, 1921Alexandra (IV), 1921Alicante, 1912Alice, 1932Amber, 1960Amethyst, 1960Anaconda, 1921Anne, 1932Annie Laurie, 1914Ansonia, 1920Aquila, 1951Arcadia, 1920Argus, 1924Aries, 1952Atlanta, 1921Audrey, 1932Aurelia, 1924Aurora (II), 1923Balmoral, 1883Barbara, 1926Beatrice, 1878Belgravia, 1908Belinda, 1928Bertha, 1932Bessborough, 1908Bonnie Jean, 1922Brenda, 1932Cadiz, 1921Calais, 1921Cambrai, 1920Camilla, 1926Carina, 1951Carmen, 1920Cassandra, 1926Catania, 1920Cecilia, 1927Chloria, 1927Clara, 1932Clementina, 1910Cleopatra, 1908Columba, 1921Constance, 1920Coral, 1921Corsair, 1920Corunna, 1910Cosmo Bonsor, 1912Cygnus, 1951Cynthia, 1925Daisy, 1932Daphne, 1914Devonshire, 1900Diamond, 1928Diana, 1920Dolphin, 1920Dora, 1919Doris, 1932Dorothy, 1919Duchess of Albany, 1890Duchess of Connaught, 1893Duchess of Fife, 1890Duchess of Norfolk, 1906Duchess of York, 1895Dunrobin, 1883Eagle, 1960Elinor, 1932Elmira, 1921Emerald (I), 1910Emerald (II), 1960Empress, 1890Enid, 1932Erminie, 1921Ethel, 1932Eunice, 1928Evadne, 1928Fair Maid of Perth, 1914Falcon (I), 1920Falcon (II), 1960Figaro, 1920Finch, 1960Fingall, 1925Flora, 1923Flora MacDonald, 1914Florence, 1910Formosa, 1921Fortuna, 1923Galatea, 1910Garnet, 1960Geraldine, 1924Glencoe, 1914Grace, 1932Grosvenor, 1908Gwen, 1932Gwladys, 1932Hawk, 1960Hawthorn, 1914Hazel, 1932Helen MacGregor, 1914Helen of Mar, 1927Her Majesty, 1895Hercules, 1951Hermione, 1925Heron, 1960Hibemia, 1914Hilda, 1919Ibis, 1928Ida, 1932Iolanthe., 1923Ione, 1928Irene, 1923Iris, 1932Isle of Thanet Joan, 1928Joyce, 1932Juana, 1928Juno (II), 1923Kate Dalrymple, 1927Kathleen, 1927Lady Dalziel, 1928Lady Nairn, 1922Lass o' Ballochmyle, 1923Lass o' Gowrie D, 1914Latona, 1926Leghorn, 1912Leona (II), 1927Loraine, 1928Lorna, 1932Louise, 1876Lucille, 1928Lydia, 1928Mabel, 1919Madeline, 1926Magpie, 1960Maid of Kent (I), 1921Maid of Morven, 1914 — 'Majestic Malaga, 1921Marcelle, 1927Marjorie, 1924Mary Beaton, 1914Mary Carmichael, 1914Mary Hamilton, 1914Mary Seaton, 1914Mauchline Belle, 1923May, 1932Mayflower, 1910Medusa, 1924Meg Dods, 1923Milan, 1921Mimosa, 1914Minerva (III), 1927Mona, 1932Monaco, 1921Montana, 1923Myrtle, 1911Naomi, 1932Neptune, 1921Nevada, 1921 — 'New Century Bar Nilar, 1928Niobe (II), 1927Octavia (II), 1927Olive, 1932Onyx, 1928Opal, 1960Orion, 1951Orpheus, 1914Padua, 1920Palermo, 1910Palmyra, 1921Pauline, 1924Pavilion, 1893Pearl (I), 1928Pearl (II), 1960Pegasus, 1951Peggy, 1932Penelope, 1928Perseus, 1951Philomel, 1928Phoenix, 1952Phyllis, 1928Plato (II), 1927Pomona, 1926Portia, 1920Prince, 1888Prince Regent, 1893Princess (II), 1888Princess Elizabeth, 1928Princess Ena, 1906Princess Helen, 1908Princess Margaret, 1893Princess Mary, 1893 Princess of Wales, 1895Princess Patricia, 1906Queen Margaret, 1927Rainbow (I), 1925Rainbow (II), 1927Rainbow (III)Raven, 1960Regina, 1910Rita, 1932Robin, 1960Rosalind, 1921Rosamund, 1924Rose, 1932Rosemary, 1923Ruby (I), 1914Ruby (II), 1960Ruth, 1932Sapphire, 1910Sappho, 1924Savona, 1910Scotia (II), 1914Seville, 1912Shamrock, 1911Sheila, 1928Snipe, 1960Sorrento, 1910Stella, 1919Stork, 1960Sunbeam, 1921Swift, 1960Sybil, 1927Sylvia, 1921The Arundel, 1899The Chichester, 1899The Hadrian Bar (II), 1960The Queen, 1890Thelma, 1928Theodora, 1926Thistle, 1919Thrush, 1960Topaz (I), 1914Topaz (II), 1960Trianon BarTulip, 1919Ursula, 1928Valencia, 1910Venus (II), 1919Vera, 1932Verona (B6), 1908Viking, 1924 Violet, 1932Vivienne, 1911Waldemar Wren, 1960Zena, 1928Zenobia, 1927

External links

Media in category ‘Named Pullman carriages’

The following 22 files are in this category, out of 22 total.