Coventry Climax Fork Lift Truck (Dinky Toys 401)

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Coventry Climax Fork Lift Truck (Dinky Toys 401)

Coventry Climax Fork Lift Truck, Dinky Toys 401 14c (MM 1954-03).jpg (i)
BTMM map 021.gif
Arch Two , Area 21
Classic Dinky Toys (John Durrant Collection)
Shelf  4
1949 - 1954

An orange Coventry Climax Fork Lift Truck with black lifter frame, green lifter, green hubs, grey tyres, a black steering-wheel and a light brown driver, Dinky Toys number 14c / 401.

A silver-coloured winding-handle that raises and lowers the fork via a length of thread is on the truck's right-hand side, towards the front (not visible in the pictures).

Catalogue illustrations:

External links