Category:Earlier Twentieth Century
From The Brighton Toy and Model Index
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This category has the following 200 subcategories.
(previous page) (next page)1
- 1940s Dinky Toys (45 P, 28 F)
- Abbatt Toys (2 F)
- Aeromodels Ltd (2 F)
- Aeroplane Set (Dinky Toys 64) (empty)
- Aeroplane Set (Dinky Toys 65) (1 P, 1 F)
- Aeroplanes, Civilian (JohnPlayer 1935) (49 P, 50 F)
- Aircraft Series1 (GodfreyPhillips 1938) (54 P, 54 F)
- American Flyer (3 P, 8 F)
- American Model Builder (3 F)
- Anchor Engineer (1 P, 10 F)
- Anorma (1 F)
- Arkirecto (empty)
- Astra Pharos Ltd (5 P, 18 F)
- Barton dollhouse furniture (1 P, 6 F)
- Benbros (2 F)
- Berbis (2 P, 1 F)
- Bing British (1 P, 2 F)
- BOB Constructional Sets (Rob Toys) (1 P, 12 F)
- Briklo (4 F)
- Britains Lilliput Series (7 P, 5 F)
- British Aeroplanes (Dinky Toys 60) (6 P, 8 F)
- British Games Ltd (BGL) (1 P, 6 F)
- Brookdale Buildings (3 F)
- Buildec (2 F)
- Castoys (1 P, 1 F)
- Charbens (4 P)
- Cherilea Products (1 F)
- Chiltern Toys (2 P, 4 F)
- Dinky Builder (2 P, 9 F)
- Dinky Ships (1 P, 16 F)
- Dinky Supertoys (14 P, 105 F)
- Dol-Toi (2 P, 8 F)
- Dollhouse furniture, Bathroom (Dinky Toys 104) (4 P, 6 F)
- Dolly Varden dollhouse (5 F)
- Dometo (empty)
- Doran (1 P)
- Dux Kino (1 P, 5 F)
- E L Grain (Sewing Machines) Ltd (2 P, 7 F)
- Elektron (3 P, 12 F)
- Elettren (7 P, 1 F)
- Erector (5 P, 13 F)
- Eric Elgin (4 P, 1 F)
- Ertl (2 P, 4 F)
- Faller (1 P, 1 F)
- French Aeroplanes (Dinky Toys 60z) (1 P, 1 F)
- French Aeroplanes (Dinky Toys 61z) (1 P, 1 F)
- FROG Penguin Model Aircraft Kits (4 P, 26 F)
- Georg Kellner (1 F)
- Hawk Model Company (1 F)
- Holdfast (1 P)
- Hornby Complete (1 P, 18 F)
- Hornby Countryside (13 P, 29 F)
- Hugar Models Kit-Sets (empty)
- Hugar Railways (2 P)
- Interlocking Building Cubes (Kiddicraft) (1 P, 5 F)
- Jasco (13 F)
- Jouet de Paris (11 P, 8 F)
- Juneero (3 P, 12 F)
- Kemex (2 P, 11 F)
- Kleinbahn (23 F)
- Klipit Construction Outfits (1 P, 8 F)
- Kliptiko (2 P, 3 F)
- Lincoln Logs (1 P, 21 F)
- Lodomo (Lotts Bricks) (3 P, 3 F)
- Lotts Tudor Blocks (5 P, 21 F)
- Manufax (14 F)
- Marescot (5 P, 5 F)
- Meccano Aeroplane Constructor (6 P, 36 F)
- Meccano Mechanised Army (1 P, 6 F)
- Meccano Motor Car Constructor (8 P, 42 F)
- Meccano X Series (3 P, 13 F)
- Mechanics Made Easy (5 P, 10 F)
- Merrythought (1 P, 2 F)
- META (2 F)
- Mighty Midget (4 P, 6 F)
- Minex construction sets (13 F)
- Minibrix (5 F)
- Minic Vehicles (Second Series) (11 F)
- Mobaco (4 P, 17 F)
- Multi-Builder (1 P, 33 F)
- Nodor (1 F)
- Nuways dollhouse furniture (Bassett-Lowke) (12 P, 41 F)
- Period scale model dolls furniture (1 P, 42 F)
- Permodelle (3 F)
- Picabrix (1 P, 2 F)
- Pin-It construction outfits (2 P, 7 F)
- Pit-a-Pat dollhouse furniture (4 P, 3 F)
- Play-Wax (1 F)
- Prestacon Model Engineering (2 P, 4 F)
- RAF Aeroplane Set (Dinky Toys 61) (1 P, 1 F)
- Reka (6 P, 3 F)
- Revolistic (1 P)
- RipMax (2 F)
- Samlo (2 P, 17 F)
- Scale Models Ltd (2 F)
- Schuco Miniature Bears (7 P, 8 F)
- ShipSeries (4 F)
- Simon and Rivollet (empty)
- Skybirds Anti-Aircraft (1 F)
- Spirit of St Louis (2 P)
- Strip-Work Construction Outfits (1 P, 15 F)
- Structo Auto Builder (3 F)
- Sutcliffe Pressings Ltd (3 P, 33 F)
- Tan-Sad Toys (4 F)
- Tinkertoy (1 P, 4 F)
- Tonka Toys (1 P)
- Tremo Models (9 F)
- TTR Presentation Sets (3 P, 3 F)
- Waddy Builderbit (5 P, 5 F)
- Waddy Productions (6 P, 7 F)
Pages in category ‘Earlier Twentieth Century’
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 555 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A Meccano Enthusiast at Glasgow, Marvels of the Empire Exhibition (MM 1938-07)
- A.A Gun on Trailer (Dinky Toys 161b)
- Abacus, wooden (Lego)
- Acid Wagon (Märklin 1990-0)
- Aeronca Monoplane, Card No 29 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Air Mail Car (Skybirds 34A)
- Aircraft Refuelling Tender (Skybirds 35A)
- Airspeed Courier, Card No 18 (GPAviation 1938)
- Airspeed Envoy G-ACVI, silver (Dinky Toys 62m)
- Airspeed Envoy G-ACVJ, yellow (Dinky Toys 62m)
- Airspeed Envoy G-AENA, green (Dinky Toys 62m)
- Airspeed Envoy, Card No 02 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Airspeed Envoy, Card No 23 (GPAviation 1938)
- Airspeed Envoy, trade box (Dinky Toys 62m)
- Ambulance (Skybirds 33)
- Amy Johnson Gipsy Moth, Jason G-AAAH (Gunthermann)
- Amy Johnsons plane G-ADSO (Dinky Toys 60c)
- Armstrong Siddeley Coupe (Dinky Toys 38e)
- Armstrong Siddeley open-top car, Bakelite (Codeg)
- Armstrong Whitworth Argosy, Card No 03 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Armstrong Whitworth Scimitar, Card No 14 (GPAviation 1938)
- Armstrong Whitworth XV Atalanta, Card No 04 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Armstrong Whitworth XV, Card No 13 (GPAviation 1938)
- Army Co-Operation Autogiro (Britains 1431)
- Army Cooperation Autogiro (Dinky Toys 66f)
- Army Covered Lorry (Britains 1432)
- Arnold
- Austin A40 Devon (Dinky Toys 40d)
- Austin Taxi (Dinky Toys 36g)
- Auto-Union Racing Car (Dinky Toys 23d)
- Avro 642, Card No 06 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Avro 642, Card No 27 (GPAviation 1938)
- Avro Commodore, Card No 05 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Avro Commodore, Card No 22 (GPAviation 1938)
- Avro Tutor, Card No 21 (GPAviation 1938)
- B.E.V Electric Truck (Dinky Toys 14a)
- Barrage Balloon Section (Britains 1749)
- Bassett-Lowke gauge 0 catalogue (circa 1937)
- Bathroom Dollhouse Furniture, boxed, French (Dinky Toys 104)
- Bedroom Dollhouse Furniture, boxed (Dinky Toys 102)
- Beechcraft Cabin Biplane, Card No 30 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Bellanca Racer, Card No 31 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Bench Seat on Base (Märklin 2676)
- Beyer-Garratt locomotive LMS 4999 (thought to be Milbro)
- Bing hot-air engine
- Biplane model (Pin-It)
- Biplane UX214 (Johillco 609)
- Biplane, Pilot and Hangar (Britains 1521)
- Bisque composition doll, c1900 (Max Handwerck)
- Bisque doll, c1900 (Armand Marseille)
- Bisque-headed boy doll, c1920 (Simon and Halbig)
- Bisque-headed doll, c1900s (Armand Marseille)
- Bisque-headed googly-eyed baby doll, c1900 (Germany)
- Bitumen Tank Wagon, Colas (Hornby 0 gauge)
- Black Poodle marionette (Pelham Puppets)
- Black Prince locomotive 2631 (Bing with Bassett-Lowke, gauge 3)
- Blackburn Perth, Card No 35 (GPAviation 1938)
- Blackburn Shark K4206 (FROG Penguin)
- Blackburn Shark, Card No 25 (GPAviation 1938)
- Blaw Knox bulldozer (Dinky Supertoys 561)
- Blaw-Knox Heavy Tractor (Dinky Supertoys 563)
- Blue First-Class Carriage, circa ~1902 (Märklin 1806)
- BOB Constructional Toy Kit (Rob Toys, No-0 Set)
- Boeing 247D, Card No 50 (GPAviation 1938)
- Boulton-Paul Overstrand, Card No 04 (GPAviation 1938)
- Bramham Moor locomotive 201 (Hornby Series E220)
- Breakdown Car (Dinky Toys 30e)
- Breakdown Tender (Skybirds 35)
- Breguet 27, Card No 48 (GPAviation 1938)
- Breguet 280T, Card No 24 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Bridge Building construction set
- Bristol Bulldog, Card No 33 (GPAviation 1938)
- British Klemm Eagle, Card No 15 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- British Klemm Eagle, Card No 26 (GPAviation 1938)
- British Salmson Sports Car (Dinky Toys 36e)
- British Trader, Coastal Steamer No1, clockwork (Tri-ang 2927)
- Brown Coal Dust Car (Märklin 1775)
- Buick Viceroy Saloon (Dinky Toys 39d)
- Butter Churn, 1912 (Meccano Ltd)
- C30 Autogiro, Card No 36 (GPAviation 1938)
- Caledonian Railway locomotive 142 (Bassett-Lowke gauge 0)
- Caravan Trailer (Dinky Toys 30g)
- Caravanette, ~1930 (Triang)
- Carter with Whip, beige smock, moving arm (Britains Farm 505)
- Carter with Whip, grey smock, moving arm (Britains Farm 505)
- Carter with Whip, moving arm (Britains Farm 505)
- Castle of Childhoods Dreams, by Herbert Cescinsky
- Caudron Monoplane, Card No 25 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Character Doll, composition, c1920 (Ernst Heubach)
- Cierva Autogiro C-24 unbuilt kit (Skybirds 1)
- Cierva Autogiro C30P, Card No 07 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Cierva Autogiro, blue and yellow (Dinky Toys 60f)
- Cierva Autogiro, gold and red (Dinky Toys 60f)
- Cierva Autogiro, silver and red (Dinky Toys 60f)
- Cierva Autogiro, yellow and green (Dinky Toys 60f)
- Cierva Autogiro, yellow and red (Dinky Toys 60f)
- Circus Lion in Cage (Märklin)
- CIWL Baggage Car 1304 (Fournereau)
- Clockwork Locomotive (Primus Engineering)
- Closed Goods Truck (Märklin 1997-0)
- Coles Mobile Crane (Dinky Supertoys 571)
- Comper Swift, Card No 08 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Container Wagon (Marklin 28581)
- Continental 4-6-2 loco (Trix Express 20-57)
- Coronation Scot First Class Brake Car 6202 (Exley for Bassett-Lowke)
- Coronation Scot First Class Car 7720 (Exley for Bassett-Lowke)
- Coronation Scot Kitchen Car 2704 (Exley for Bassett-Lowke)
- Coronation Scot Kitchen Car 2707 (Exley for Bassett-Lowke)
- Coronation Scot Restaurant Car 7507 (Exley for Bassett-Lowke)
- Coronation Scot Third Class Brake Car 7602 (Exley for Bassett-Lowke)
- Coronation Scot Third Class Car 4104 (Exley for Bassett-Lowke)
- Coronation Scot Third Class Car 4107 (Exley for Bassett-Lowke)
- Coronation Scot Third Class Car 5027 (Exley for Bassett-Lowke)
- Coronation Scot US Tour presentation set 2/347 (Trix Twin Railways)
- Corridor Coach, 1st-3rd teak, LNER 42759 (Hornby Dublo D1)
- Countryside Section F (Hornby Series)
- Countryside Section G1 (Hornby Series)
- Countryside Section G2 (Hornby Series)
- Countryside Section H, roadway (Hornby Series)
- Countryside Section K2 (Hornby Series)
- Countryside Section L1 (Hornby Series)
- Countryside Section M1 (Hornby Series)
- County of Bedford locomotive 3821 (Hornby Series E220)
- County of Northampton locomotive 3410 (Bing for Bassett-Lowke, gauge 1)
- Coventry Climax Fork Lift Truck (Dinky Toys 401)
- Covered Goods Wagon (Marklin 353 365+)
- Covered Junction Platform, arched, gauge 0 (Märklin 2078)
- Covered Wagon (Dinky Toys 25b)
- Crane Truck, 10 Ton (Marklin 366)
- Curtiss Hawk, Card No 54 (GPAviation 1938)
- De Havilland Comet, Card No 09 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- De Havilland Dragon-Six, Card No 11 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- De Havilland Express Air Liner, Card No 10 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- De Havilland Leopard Moth, Card No 13 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- De Havilland Moth-Major, Card No 12 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Decorative Columns, Heston Air Park (Skybirds 21A)
- Delivery Van (Dinky Toys 280)
- Dewoitine D332 Air Liner, Card No 26 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- DH Comet, Card No 07 (GPAviation 1938)
- DH Dragon-Six, Card No 06 (GPAviation 1938)
- DH Express Air Liner, Card No 08 (GPAviation 1938)
- DH Leopard Moth, Card No 30 (GPAviation 1938)
- Dining Room Dollhouse Furniture, boxed (Dinky Toys 101)
- Dornier DoX, Card No 40 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Dornier Wal, Card No 41 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Dornier Wal, Card No 53 (GPAviation 1938)
- Double 'Fish-belly' Railway Bridge - Doppelfischbauchbrücke (Märklin 2503)
- Double-Phaeton clockwork model car, 1905 (Bing 13657)
- Douglas DC2 Transport, Card No 32 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Douglas DC2, Card No 44 (GPAviation 1938)
- DRG Berlin-Munchen passenger coach 19410, with interior fittings (Märklin 1941-G)
- Duchess of Gloucester locomotive 6225 (Bassett-Lowke)
- Dux Kino MM (Markes)
- Dynamo (Bowman Model 839)
- Early Märklin 0-4-0 clockwork locomotive circa 1902 (Märklin)
- Early pre-Meccano pulley wheel (Mechanics Made Easy)
- Electric Dairy Van (Dinky Toys 490)
- Electric Signal Box, 4-way, (Märklin 13728-4)
- Empire Flying Boat Centurion G-ADVE, boxed (Dinky Toys 60r)
- Empire Flying Boat Ceres G-AETX (Dinky Toys 60r)
- Erector metal construction set 6 1/2 (A C Gilbert)
- Erector Set No4, 1915 (Mysto Manufacturing)
- Essex Mk1 Miniature Sewing Machine
- ETAT First Class Carriage 2640 (Marescot)
- Eton 900 locomotive (Hornby E420, 1937)
- Fairey Fox, Card No 12 (GPAviation 1938)
- Fairey Hendon, Card No 05 (GPAviation 1938)
- Fairey Seal, Card No 41 (GPAviation 1938)
- Farm Animals set, Pixyland-Kew (Kuzu Series E5)
- Farm Wagon (Mysto Erector)
- Farman F-430 Cabin Monoplane, Card No 27 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Fireplace and Mantlepiece (Nuways model furniture 8302)
- Fish Wagon (Märklin 1991-0)
- Five Hundred Years Old (Mirror Grange, Pip, Squeak and Wilfred)
- Flat Truck (Dinky Toys 25c)
- Flying Scotsman locomotive, gauge 0, LNER 4472 (Bassett-Lowke)
- Flying Scotsman presentation set 4-344 (Trix Twin Railways)
- Foden 14-Ton Tanker (Dinky Supertoys 504)
- Foden Diesel eight-wheel Wagon (Dinky Supertoys 501)
- Fokker F XXXVI, Card No 46 (GPAviation 1938)
- Fokker FXVIII, Card No 48 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Footbridge (Märklin 2385)
- Ford Air Liner, Card No 33 (JPAeroplanes 1935)
- Ford Fordor (Dinky Toys 139a)
- Fordson Major E27N Tractor (Britains 128F)
- Forward Control Lorry (Dinky Toys 25r)
- Four Engine Flying Boat G-EXFE, gold (Dinky Toys 60m)
- Four Engine Flying Boat G-EXGF, blue (Dinky Toys 60m)
- Four Engine Flying Boat G-EXGF, red (Dinky Toys 60m)
- Four Engine Flying Boat G-EYCE, green (Dinky Toys 60m)
- Four Engine Flying Boat with rollers, trade box (Dinky Toys 60m)
- Four-Wheel Petrol Lorry (Skybirds 35B)
- Fowler Cultivator, eighth-scale
- Frank Hornby 1901 patent
- FROG mailplane, flying model (Triang)
- Fyffes Banana Wagon (Märklin 382)
Media in category ‘Earlier Twentieth Century’
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 3,459 total.
(previous page) (next page)- 00-gauge layout, night, Märklin, Leipziger Messe 1939 (MarklinCat 1939).jpg 3,200 × 2,176; 5.72 MB
- 110 Prizes, Hobbies no1826 (HW 1930-10-18).jpg 1,806 × 2,500; 3.21 MB
- 16 - Italian Dirigible Italia 1905, Card 16, Aviation (Wills 1910).jpg 3,188 × 1,676; 1.03 MB
- 18-Pounder Quick-Firing Field Gun Unit, Dinky Toys 162 (HamleyCat 1939).jpg 2,181 × 761; 603 KB
- 1938 Whitsun Meeting, Brooklands (PowerSpeed 1938).jpg 3,000 × 2,072; 915 KB
- 25 miles at 107 mph, Silver Jubilee train (RWW 1936).jpg 2,000 × 1,145; 609 KB
- 3-7 Anti-Aircraft Gun, Astra Pharos model 18 (MM 1940-07).jpg 3,000 × 1,900; 523 KB
- 32 - Chanute, Card 32, Aviation (Wills 1910).jpg 3,188 × 1,676; 1.09 MB
- A C Gilbert (GaT 1939-11).jpg 879 × 1,200; 136 KB
- A Corner of the Lagoon (HoveIG 1936).jpg 2,500 × 1,727; 2.93 MB
- A New Meccano Outfit, 000 (MM 1930-10).jpg 2,333 × 3,000; 1.34 MB
- A Railway on Stilts 01, Brighton Rottingdean Seashore Electric Railway (RWW 1935).jpg 2,500 × 1,574; 2.88 MB
- A Railway on Stilts 02, Brighton Rottingdean Seashore Electric Railway (RWW 1935).jpg 2,500 × 1,684; 2.86 MB
- A T and T Building, New York Worlds Fair (NYWF 1939).jpg 2,000 × 1,223; 658 KB
- A Vision of the New Brighton, C J Launder.jpg 3,500 × 2,994; 3.33 MB
- AA Guide at the salute, Dinky Toys 44d (MM 1936-06).jpg 580 × 631; 25 KB
- AA Guide directing traffic, Dinky Toys 44c (MM 1936-06).jpg 580 × 628; 28 KB
- AA Hut, Dinky Toys 44a (MM 1936-06).jpg 710 × 1,022; 76 KB
- AA Hut, Motor Cycle Patrol and Guides, Dinky Toys 44 (1935 BoHTMP).jpg 863 × 663; 119 KB
- AA Motor Cycle Patrol, Dinky Toys 44b (MM 1936-06).jpg 922 × 555; 44 KB
- AA Scouts (assorted), Britains Farm 578 (BritCat 1940).jpg 694 × 717; 83 KB
- AA Sign, Crawley, Britains Farm 579 (BritCat 1940).jpg 662 × 1,159; 64 KB
- AA Sign, School, Britains Farm 579 (BritCat 1940).jpg 618 × 1,098; 59 KB
- Abbatt Toys (GaT 1939-11).jpg 1,200 × 800; 136 KB
- Abbatt Toys, logo (1939).jpg 654 × 644; 45 KB
- Abfährtstander - Departures Board, Märklin 2649 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 1,389 × 1,053; 524 KB
- AC Gilbert American Flyer (GaT 1939).jpg 1,137 × 1,507; 199 KB
- Acid Truck, Märklin 1990 (MarklinCat 1936).jpg 1,566 × 1,078; 403 KB
- Ad Bassett-Lowke MM Aug1939.jpg 581 × 762; 116 KB
- Ader Flying Machine, Card 31, Aviation (Wills 1910).jpg 3,188 × 1,676; 1.17 MB
- Administration Building, view 1 (NYWFStamp 1939).jpg 2,360 × 1,520; 672 KB
- Administration Building, view 2 (NYWFStamp 1939).jpg 2,360 × 1,520; 810 KB
- Admiral Byrds Penguin Island (NYWFStamp 1939).jpg 2,360 × 1,520; 691 KB
- AEC Matador Heavies, Wilsons Lorries (MM 1949-04).jpg 2,143 × 3,000; 1.61 MB
- Aerial View, Mirror Grange (BoMG 1929).jpg 2,535 × 3,000; 1.7 MB
- Aeroboat II, Bowman Models (MM 1931-05).jpg 2,380 × 1,509; 391 KB
- Aeroboats, Bowman Models (HW 1931-05-23).jpg 1,600 × 1,105; 953 KB
- Aeroboats, Bowman Models (HW 1932-05-07).jpg 1,600 × 1,079; 1.01 MB
- Aeroboats, Bowman Models (HW 1932-06-11).jpg 1,600 × 1,065; 1.01 MB
- Aerodrome Club, Samlo No30 (Waddingtons).jpg 3,000 × 2,109; 2.01 MB
- Aeronca Monoplane, Card No 29 (JPAeroplanes 1935).jpg 3,000 × 1,529; 653 KB
- Aeroplane Builder, Xacto, Hamleys (MM 1931-04).jpg 2,400 × 1,949; 604 KB
- Aeroplane Construction Set, Märklin 1151 (MarklinCat 1936).jpg 2,107 × 2,839; 3.33 MB
- Aeroplane Construction Set, Märklin 1152 (MarklinCat 1936).jpg 2,405 × 2,907; 3.98 MB
- Aeroplane Construction Sets, markings (MarklinCat 1936).jpg 1,781 × 1,553; 818 KB
- Aeroplane Construction Sets, Märklin (MarklinCat 1936).jpg 1,475 × 2,000; 1.72 MB
- Aeroplane Construction Supplement Set 1151A (MarklinCat 1936).jpg 1,219 × 1,096; 757 KB
- Aeroplane Hanger No02, Meccano Aeroplane Constructor (MM 1936-01).jpg 1,310 × 1,220; 222 KB
- Aeroplane Set, box lid (Dinky Toys 64).jpg 3,000 × 1,886; 976 KB
- Aeroplane, Pilot and Hangar (Britains 1521).jpg 2,400 × 1,769; 1.03 MB
- Aeroplanes set, box lid (Dinky Toys 60).jpg 3,000 × 2,693; 1.78 MB
- Aged Villager, Man, sitting, Britains Farm 555 (BritCat 1940).jpg 716 × 588; 50 KB
- Aged Villager, Woman, sitting, Britains Farm 556 (BritCat 1940).jpg 725 × 619; 62 KB
- Airport with Four Planes Mettoy 2163 (MettoyCat 1940s).jpg 3,000 × 2,100; 765 KB
- Airspeed Courier, Card No 01 (JPAeroplanes 1935).jpg 3,000 × 1,529; 672 KB
- Airspeed Courier, Card No 18 (GPAviation 1938).jpg 2,400 × 1,254; 387 KB
- Airspeed Envoy Monoplane, Dinky Toys 62m (MM 1940-07).jpg 2,312 × 1,794; 284 KB
- Airspeed Envoy Monoplane, Dinky Toys 62m 62k (MeccanoCat 1939-40).jpg 1,324 × 1,154; 197 KB
- Airspeed Envoy, Card No 02 (JPAeroplanes 1935).jpg 3,000 × 1,529; 708 KB
- Airspeed Envoy, Card No 23 (GPAviation 1938).jpg 2,400 × 1,254; 348 KB
- Airspeed Envoy, FROG Penguin (MM 1937-10).jpg 1,600 × 829; 149 KB
- Alfa Romeo Racing Car, Märklin 5521-14 (MarklinCat 1936).jpg 930 × 718; 241 KB
- Alfa-Romeo-Rennwagen - Racing Car, Märklin 5521-14 (MarklinCat 1939).jpg 948 × 604; 222 KB
- All About Model Aeroplaning, Hobbies no1964 (HW 1933-06-10).jpg 1,798 × 2,500; 3.29 MB
- All Gas - Good Housekeeping Home (NYWFStamp 1939).jpg 2,360 × 1,520; 648 KB
- All Metal Screwdriver, Primus Part No 101 (PrimusCat 1923-12).jpg 1,788 × 976; 122 KB
- All Parts for Model Austin Seven, Hobbies no1876 (HW 1931-10-03).jpg 1,800 × 2,500; 3.43 MB
- Ambulance, Dinky Toys 24a (1935 BoHTMP).jpg 496 × 252; 22 KB
- Ambulance, Dinky Toys 30f (1935 BoHTMP).jpg 449 × 277; 21 KB
- American Bison, Britains Zoo No935 (BritCat 1940).jpg 1,309 × 1,433; 301 KB
- Amiot 370 monoplane, Dinky Toys 64az (MCat 1939).jpg 1,453 × 1,021; 131 KB
- An Early Idea, Card 26, Aviation (Wills 1910).jpg 1,676 × 3,188; 1.09 MB
- Angle Strips, Primus Part No 52 53 54 55 (PrimusCat 1923-12).jpg 1,875 × 1,601; 347 KB
- Angry Ganders, Britains Farm 519 (BritCat 1940).jpg 451 × 385; 37 KB
- Another view of the Paint Shop, Brighton Works (TRM 1903-04).jpg 3,000 × 2,146; 1.36 MB
- Anti-Aircraft Gun, Model No6 (Nicoltoys Multi-Builder).jpg 1,200 × 715; 103 KB
- Antirrhinum (Snapdragon), Britains Garden 031 (BMG 1931).jpg 735 × 938; 98 KB
- Antoinette Monoplane, Card 39, Aviation (Wills 1910).jpg 3,188 × 1,676; 1.12 MB
- Anvil, Britains Farm 651 (BritCat 1940).jpg 414 × 413; 41 KB
- Aquarium and Seafront (BrightonHbk 1935).jpg 3,897 × 2,077; 5.18 MB
- Arcadia, Hornby No1 Special Pullman Coach (TRM 1929-03).jpg 2,860 × 1,850; 2.24 MB
- Architraves, Primus Part No 65 (PrimusCat 1923-12).jpg 1,941 × 1,449; 417 KB
- Aristocrat, Foden Double Decker Bus, Wilsons Lorries (MM 1947-01).jpg 2,129 × 3,000; 1.54 MB
- Armchair (Nuways model furniture 8520-1).jpg 1,984 × 1,097; 394 KB
- Armoured Car Body, for Car Construction Set, Märklin 1108G (MarklinCat 1936).jpg 2,112 × 2,329; 2.29 MB
- Armoured Car, Model No5 (Nicoltoys Multi-Builder).jpg 1,200 × 541; 100 KB
- Armoured Truck, Primus Model No 261 (PrimusCat 1923-12).jpg 3,000 × 1,808; 1.23 MB
- Armstrong Scimitar, FROG Penguin (MM 1937-10).jpg 1,600 × 1,108; 156 KB
- Armstrong Whitworth Argosy, Card No 03 (JPAeroplanes 1935).jpg 3,000 × 1,529; 660 KB
- Armstrong Whitworth Ensign Air Liner, Dinky Toys 62p (MeccanoCat 1939-40).jpg 1,242 × 1,159; 163 KB
- Armstrong Whitworth Scimitar, Card No 14 (GPAviation 1938).jpg 2,400 × 1,254; 388 KB
- Armstrong Whitworth Whitley Bomber, box lid (Dinky Toys 62t).jpg 2,981 × 3,000; 1.53 MB
- Armstrong Whitworth Whitley Bomber, camouflaged, Dinky Toys 62t (MM 1940-07).jpg 2,421 × 2,130; 394 KB
- Armstrong Whitworth Whitley Bomber, Dinky Toys 60v (MeccanoCat 1939-40).jpg 1,175 × 1,040; 129 KB
- Armstrong Whitworth XV Atalanta, Card No 04 (JPAeroplanes 1935).jpg 3,000 × 1,529; 712 KB
- Armstrong Whitworth XV, Card No 13 (GPAviation 1938).jpg 2,400 × 1,270; 449 KB
- Army Co-operation Autogiro, Dinky Toys 66f (MM 1940-07).jpg 1,436 × 885; 102 KB
- Army Cooperation Autogiro Cierva C30, box lid (Britains 1431).jpg 2,400 × 1,154; 641 KB
- Articulated Coach Sets (Milbro 1930).jpg 2,621 × 2,145; 763 KB
- Assortment of Farm Animals, Britains Farm 655 (BritCat 1940).jpg 1,305 × 906; 162 KB
- Assortment of Farm Animals, Britains Farm 664 (BritCat 1940).jpg 1,192 × 973; 129 KB
- Assortment of Farm People, Britains Farm 657 (BritCat 1940).jpg 921 × 939; 129 KB
- Assortment of larger Farm Animals, Britains Farm 656 (BritCat 1940).jpg 1,157 × 966; 138 KB
- Assortment of smaller Farm Animals, Britains Farm 658 (BritCat 1940).jpg 1,300 × 1,024; 155 KB
- Aster, Britains Garden 029 (BMG 1931).jpg 726 × 871; 95 KB
- Astra anti-aircraft station ad (1939-08).jpg 746 × 973; 193 KB
- Astra Pharos Limited, box lid label, detail with address.jpg 1,941 × 1,423; 530 KB
- Astra Pharos Limited, box lid label, detail.jpg 1,944 × 1,105; 453 KB
- Astra Pharos Ltd - lettering, 1947.jpg 1,456 × 275; 53 KB
- Astra Pharos Ltd - The Real Thing (MM 1947-11).jpg 1,532 × 2,160; 300 KB
- Astra Pharos Ltd, logo, 1947.jpg 1,375 × 648; 94 KB
- Astra Pharos model searchlight, Selfridges (MM 1947-11).jpg 1,488 × 2,092; 432 KB
- Astra Pharos quarter-mile beam searchlight ad 1939.jpg 558 × 738; 160 KB
- Astra Pom-Pom Gun, box lid.jpg 2,400 × 1,037; 642 KB
- Astra Rocket Gun, box lid.jpg 1,795 × 2,400; 1.07 MB
- Astra searchlight models (MM 1938-11).jpg 1,170 × 1,495; 505 KB
- Atalanta aircraft, Armstrong Whitworth (MM 1934-07).jpg 3,000 × 1,037; 697 KB
- ATT Building (NYWFStamp 1939).jpg 2,360 × 1,520; 823 KB
- Aussichtswagen - Panoramic View Carriage, Märklin M1824 (MarklinSFE 1900s).jpg 1,167 × 841; 530 KB
- Aussichtswagen - Viewing Car, Märklin 1834 1835 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 1,468 × 1,502; 771 KB
- Auto Union Racing Car, Märklin 5521-12 (MarklinCat 1936).jpg 919 × 774; 230 KB
- Auto Union Racing Car, Märklin 5521-2 (MarklinCat 1936).jpg 974 × 761; 260 KB
- Auto-Union Racing Car, Dinky Toys 23d (MM 1936-06).jpg 941 × 685; 87 KB
- Auto-Union-Rennwagen - Racing Car, Märklin 5521-12 (MarklinCat 1939).jpg 909 × 622; 213 KB
- Auto-Union-Rennwagen - Racing Car, Märklin 5521-16 (MarklinCat 1939).jpg 1,160 × 844; 359 KB
- Auto-Union-Rennwagen - Racing Car, Märklin 5521-2 (MarklinCat 1939).jpg 982 × 691; 233 KB
- Auto-Union-Rennwagen - Racing Car, Märklin 5521-62 (MarklinCat 1939).jpg 1,064 × 687; 281 KB
- Autogiro Bus of the Future (WBoA 6ed 1928).jpg 3,000 × 2,245; 1.76 MB
- Autogiro Working Model, Cierva C30, Britains 1392 (1935).jpg 2,400 × 1,412; 1.1 MB
- Automatic Dial Balance Scales, Märklin 2605 (MarklinCat 1936).jpg 1,207 × 858; 389 KB
- Automatic Hammer in Shed, Primus Model No 265 (PrimusCat 1923-12).jpg 3,000 × 1,666; 810 KB
- Automatic Parachute for Model Aeroplanes, Hobbies no1907 (HW 1932-05-07).jpg 1,804 × 2,500; 3.23 MB
- Automatic Ticket Machine, Märklin 2651 (MarklinCat 1936).jpg 886 × 712; 275 KB
- Automatische Schnellwage - Automatic Scales, Märklin 2605 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 987 × 1,377; 441 KB
- Automobil - Limousine Car, clockwork, Märklin 5209 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 2,751 × 1,866; 1.74 MB
- Aviation (NYWFStamp 1939).jpg 2,360 × 1,520; 795 KB
- Aviation Building (NYWFStamp 1939).jpg 2,360 × 1,520; 705 KB
- Avions set, French, box lid (Dinky Toys 60).jpg 3,000 × 2,629; 1.66 MB
- Avions set, French, box lid (Dinky Toys 64).jpg 3,000 × 2,988; 1.83 MB
- Avro 504E, FROG Penguin (MM 1937-10).jpg 1,600 × 663; 96 KB
- Avro 642, Card No 06 (JPAeroplanes 1935).jpg 3,000 × 1,529; 704 KB
- Avro 642, Card No 27 (GPAviation 1938).jpg 2,400 × 1,254; 357 KB
- Avro Commodore, Card No 05 (JPAeroplanes 1935).jpg 3,000 × 1,529; 593 KB
- Avro Commodore, Card No 22 (GPAviation 1938).jpg 2,400 × 1,254; 363 KB
- Avro Tutor, Card No 21 (GPAviation 1938).jpg 2,400 × 1,254; 416 KB
- Axles, Primus Part No 77 78 79 165 166 169 (PrimusCat 1923-12).jpg 1,923 × 1,389; 191 KB
- Baby Camel, Britains Zoo No943 (BritCat 1940).jpg 857 × 605; 60 KB
- Baby Elephant, Britains Zoo No944 (BritCat 1940).jpg 945 × 521; 57 KB
- Baby Engine, Model No26 (Nicoltoys Multi-Builder).jpg 1,047 × 1,200; 124 KB
- Baby Hippopotamus, Britains Zoo No940 (BritCat 1940).jpg 1,316 × 985; 185 KB
- Baby Kangaroo or Wallaby, Britains Zoo No950 (BritCat 1940).jpg 1,310 × 841; 115 KB
- Baby Pandas, Britains Zoo No970 (BritCat 1940).jpg 1,085 × 821; 91 KB
- Baby Rhinoceros, Britains Zoo No951 (BritCat 1940).jpg 1,278 × 708; 111 KB
- Back, with steps leading down the Rock, Mirror Grange (BoMG 1929).jpg 3,000 × 2,376; 1.37 MB
- Bactrian Camel with Boy Rider, Britains Zoo No953 (BritCat 1940).jpg 1,283 × 1,327; 194 KB
- Bactrian Camel, Britains Zoo No918 (BritCat 1940).jpg 1,297 × 1,349; 255 KB
- Badewanne - Bath, Märklin 8600 (MarklinCatx 1931).jpg 1,816 × 1,620; 1.04 MB
- Badewanne - Bath, Märklin 8618 (MarklinCatx 1931).jpg 943 × 761; 214 KB
- Badewanne - Bath, Märklin 8619 (MarklinCatx 1931).jpg 1,507 × 1,598; 814 KB
- Badewannen - Bath, Märklin 8618 (MarklinCat 1939).jpg 1,478 × 1,642; 470 KB
- Badezimmer - Bathroom, Märklin 8598-B (MarklinCatx 1931).jpg 1,601 × 2,043; 1.3 MB
- Badezimmer - Bathroom, Märklin 8599-B (MarklinCatx 1931).jpg 2,401 × 2,207; 2.11 MB
- Badezimmer - Bathroom, Märklin 8623-B (MarklinCatx 1931).jpg 1,535 × 1,754; 1.08 MB
- Badezimmer - Bathroom, Märklin 8624-B (MarklinCatx 1931).jpg 1,961 × 1,638; 1.29 MB
- Baggage Car - Gepackwägen, DR, Märklin 354 354B 354J 354JB (MarklinCat 1939).jpg 2,129 × 1,249; 874 KB
- Baggage Trolley, Märklin 2693 (MarklinCat 1936).jpg 690 × 956; 166 KB
- Baggermaschine - Bucket Excavator, Märklin 4318 4316 (MarklinCat 1932).jpg 1,254 × 1,857; 535 KB
- Baggermaschine - Bucket Excavator, Märklin 4319 4317 (MarklinCat 1932).jpg 1,403 × 1,991; 716 KB
- Baggerwerke - Excavator, Märklin 4316 (MarklinCat 1939).jpg 1,136 × 1,435; 468 KB
- Bahnhof - Station, Märklin 2001 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 1,874 × 1,792; 1.03 MB
- Bahnhof - Station, Märklin 2001-F (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 2,154 × 1,623; 1.02 MB
- Bahnhof - Station, Märklin 2003 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 3,000 × 1,185; 1.21 MB
- Bahnhof - Station, Märklin 2029 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 2,162 × 1,778; 1.25 MB
- Bahnhof - Station, Märklin 2030 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 2,200 × 1,666; 1.05 MB
- Bahnhof - Station, Märklin 2033 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 3,000 × 1,479; 1.18 MB
- Bahnhofbuchhandlung - Station Newsagent, Märklin 2616 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 1,200 × 1,445; 812 KB
- Bahnhofhalle - Leipzig Station Canopy, Märklin 2078 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 3,000 × 1,414; 1.48 MB
- Bahnsteigbüfett - Railway Station Buffet, Märklin 2617 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 1,098 × 1,465; 742 KB
- Bahnsteigsperre - Railway Station Barrier, Märklin 2632 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 1,007 × 1,397; 477 KB
- Bahnsteigsperre - Railway Station Barrier, Märklin 2633 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 1,696 × 1,359; 709 KB
- Balancier-Dampfmaschine, model, Märklin Minex (MarklinCat 1939).jpg 2,074 × 1,391; 977 KB
- Baldwin 1906, Card 10, Aviation (Wills 1910).jpg 3,188 × 1,676; 1.2 MB
- Ballast Truck, Primus Model No 40 (PrimusCat 1923-12).jpg 3,000 × 2,777; 1.16 MB
- Balustrading (Long Section), Britains Garden 061 (BMG 1931).jpg 1,953 × 648; 191 KB
- Balustrading (Short Section), Britains Garden 062 (BMG 1931).jpg 896 × 694; 86 KB
- Bananenwagen - Banana Wagon, Fyffes, Märklin 1682 (MarklinCat 1939).jpg 1,170 × 965; 633 KB
- Bananenwagen - Banana Wagon, Fyffes, Märklin 1792 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 1,799 × 1,358; 1.1 MB
- Bananenwagen - Banana Wagon, Fyffes, Märklin 1792 (MarklinCat 1939).jpg 1,578 × 1,041; 707 KB
- Bananenwagen - Banana Wagon, Märklin 1992 (MarklinCat 1931).jpg 1,532 × 1,327; 821 KB
- Band Saw, model, Märklin Metallbaukasten 4F (MarklinCat 1936).jpg 924 × 1,182; 391 KB
- Bandstand, Primus model (PrimusCat 1923-12).jpg 2,157 × 3,000; 1.08 MB
- Bandsäge - Band Saw, Märklin 4255-1 4255-2 (MarklinCat 1932).jpg 1,830 × 1,644; 658 KB
- Bandsäge - Band Saw, Märklin 4256 (MarklinCat 1932).jpg 1,412 × 1,234; 313 KB
- Bandsäge - Band Saw, Märklin 4256 (MarklinCat 1939).jpg 1,341 × 1,243; 413 KB